I write fic sometimes! On rare occasions, I even finish them. They're all hosted on AO3, but I'm not archive-locked, so these are visible to read even if you don't have an account over there.
I wrote these for me, but you're welcome to read them too if you like. :]

These run the gamut from light and fluffy to dark and edgelord-y. I'll note whether or not the fic is complete along with any major content advisories.
Do also read the tags and author's notes at the top of the AO3 page where applicable. Content advisories aren't exhaustive. While I try
my best to include them for common triggers, note that I can't anticipate everything for every reader and proceed accordingly, please.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
- Do you want to come over and play Nintendo after the public execution?
- One-shot, complete. CW for onscreen death of a minor original character. Gen.
- Summary: Delightful little scamp Brunt makes some friends while they wait to see where the bad man will land. With special guest star Keldar and a walk-on (drop-on?) appearance by the condemned man, playing himself.
Yu Yu Hakusho
- Don't walk past Chinatown after school
- 2 chapters, unfinished. Pairing: kuwameshi.
- Summary: Kuwabara works up the courage to go inside that weird pet shop that gives him the heebie-jeebies.
- Cigarettes and Cassette Tapes
- One-shot collection, not adding to it anymore. Gen and various pairings per chapter notes. Iirc some light kuwakina and also kuwameshi.
- Summary: A dumping ground for short stories and drabbles. Various characters, pairings, etc, but most focused on the Kuwabara siblings and Keiko. 'Cause I love 'em to bits.
- Kuwabara Bad Times Party-mix: Teacher's Pet (Explicit)
- Multichapter, unfinished. CW for non-con, underage, teacher/student. Pairing: Kuwabara/those horrible teachers from episode 3.
- Summary: Sometimes you just wanna write your fave having a real bad time, sexually. Kuwabara badtouch one-shots featuring the worst teachers ever, updated whenever the mood strikes.
Legend of Zelda
- Set Match
- One-shot, complete. CW for major character death. Gen.
- Summary: A short thing for a request. Link and Ganon.
- Good Morning G-ma
- One-shot, complete. Gen.
- Summary: Grandma has a routine. Short slice-of-life for a request.
- Alexandria
- 2 chapters, unfinished. Pairing: Ganondorf/Shad.
- Summary: Shad finds the course of his life altered when he stops Ganondorf's execution. Princess Zelda agrees to a more merciful solution, and entrusts Shad with the care of the muzzled King of Evil. Knowledge that has been lost for centuries is now open to the young historian, but will he like what his learns?
- A Little While Longer
- One-shot, complete. Gen.
- Summary: Daphnes isn't the best parent in the world. He's trying.
- Boar Hunter
- Multi-chapter, unfinished. CW for graphic violence and animal death. Pairing: Daphnes/Ganondorf.
- Summary: A one-shot that turned into a slow-burn, ongoing daphgan thing. Seeking the triforce, Ganondorf has schemed his way into the Hyrulean court. Under scrutiny from his second-in-command and the king's brat of a daughter, he decides to shift his approach. Perhaps gaining the king's favor will help him realize his ambitions...
- Gem
- One-shot, complete. Gen.
- Summary: Ganondorf is at an age where his body is going through changes, and needs some help with a relevant head wound. A one-shot based around a nifty idea from anluz on Tumblr.
- Flowey is not a good life coach
- Multi-chapter, complete. CW for graphic violence, physically/emotionally abusive friendship, gore. Gen.
- Summary: Flowey gets bored and decides to change up one of his runs. Papyrus presents an interesting project, for the moment.
- Party Favors
- One-shot collection, complete. Various ratings and content-- check the notes at the top of the chapter.
- Summary: A place to put fills from the post-FINAGLC request party and assorted drabbles and one-shots. Expect AUs, fluff, angst, various pairings, genfic, a flagrant lack of editing, and ridiculous notions. [All warnings/advisories posted in the pre-chapter notes, please make use of them.]
- DumpsterFire.txt (Explicit)
- One-shot collection, not adding to it anymore. All chapters are explicit, CWs and kinks listed in the notes at the top of each chapter. Various pairings.
- Summary: A place for requests and one-shots that have sexual content and aren't suitable for younger eyes. Various pairings and scenarios, same flagrant lack of editing as the mild version. Advisories posted in chapter notes, so please pay attention to them! NSFW, possibly not safe for brain.
- These and Those
- One-shot collection, not adding to it anymore. All chapters SFW, relevant CWs in the chapter notes where applicable. Pairings: Asriel/Papyrus, Gaster/Papyrus (not using that "they're related" headcanon), Undyne/Alphys.
- Summary: A place to stash gift-fic, oneshots, etc. Everything in this collection will contain some degree of shipping! Organized, yeah!
- This and that
- One-shots, not adding to it anymore. Relevant CWs in chapter notes where applicable. Gen.
- Summary: More one-shots, some of which are continuations of fills from Party Favors. That collection is getting unwieldy, so it's fresh start time. This collection will contain genfic only!
- Rain King (Explicit)
- Multi-chapter, complete. CW for cannibalism, incest, mention of past non-con. Pairing: Fontcest.
- Summary: After the Barrier came down, Papyrus left on a trip to explore the surface. The plane went down. Sans went out to look for him. And then his plane went down. A fairly stupid story (that came to me in a dream the night after a bad bout of heat stroke) about a mysterious island populated by humans and monsters that never stopped living peacefully together.
- Adagio
- One-shot, complete. Pairing: Madohomu.
- Summary: For charasabyss, who wanted a brief story based on the ballet scene from the concept movie.
- Something Something Blode Joke
- One-shot, complete. Gen or pre-femslash depending on how you squint. Crossover with Please Tell Me! Galko-chan
- Summary:The girl Mami saves from today's witch isn't about to let her just walk home alone.
- Homura and Kyubey Go to Hooters (co-written with leafbladie)
- One-shot, complete. Crackfic. Pairing: Madohomu.
- Summary: Madoka decides in her infinite wisdom that a date would be the best way for Homura and Kyubey to get past their issues with one another.
Magia Record
- Face of the Moon
- One-shot, complete. Mild consent issues. Pairing: Mifuyu/Yachiyo.
- Summary: After the events of arc one, Mifuyu spend an evening at the villa, and Yachiyo has a lot of feelings about it.
- The one where Karin wants her friends to be friends
- One-shot, complete. Gen. Written for the Ashley Taylor zine 2020.
- Summary: Karin is friends with Ashley, and Karin is friends with Alina. So wouldn't it be great if Ashley and Alina were friends?
Transformers Animated
- New Shiny
- One-shot, complete. Implied consent issues and organ theft. Pairing: Lockdown/Ratchet.
- Summary: Lockdown has a nice day. Ratchet does not.
- Reasonable Accombodations
- One-shot, complete. Gen.
- Summary: For x-i-l-verify, who wanted Jazz and the jettwins bonding.
Other Fandoms
- Happy Trails To You (Wander Over Yonder)
- One-shot, complete. Terminal illness, implied future major character death. Gen.
- Summary: For its-smokey-quartz, who wanted a fic about Wander dying. I live to serve, you monster.
- Caveat Emptor (Animal Crossing)
- One-shot, complete. Pairing: Redd/Tom Nook
- Summary: Redd finds himself in need of a place to crash until the heat dies down. Why not impose on his ex?
- Golden Refractor (Misadventures of Tron Bonne)
- Multi-chapter, unfinished. Dubious consent, master/servant. Pairing: Glyde/Teisel.
- Summary: Glyde has a proposal. Teisel's not a big fan of it.
- The Proper Attitude (Grim Fandango) (Explicit)
- 2 chapters, unfinished. Non-con. Pairing: Domino/Manny
- Summary: Domino ups the ante on how much of a dirtbag he can be, and Manny has a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.